Is there anything more fun than shopping for hardware? Sink hardware, tub hardware, door hardware, cabinet hardware, the end must surely be in site, if I find myself shopping for these particular items.
Our plumber, a man of infinite patience and wisdom has a preference for Delta, so most of our plumbing hardware is coming from that company. Our kitchen sink is a massive old farmhouse sink that I bought on E-bay. Then I bought another old sink on E-bay. Then I bought another old sink from Architectural Salvage in Kansas City. (A fabulous shop to which I plan to take you all on a little outing someday. We will then take a trolley ride and buy peanuts from the man with the monkey.) Then I joined Old Sinks Anonymous and switched from buying old sinks to buying old light fixtures.
I was worried that finding hardware for these old sinks would be difficult, but they are all standard 8 inch on centers. Doesn't that make me sound impressive, like I actually KNOW something useful? Here were my top two choices
Faucet #1
Faucet #2
I actually didn't pick my favorite one (the first one) because I just didn't think it suited the sink as much. So I went with faucet #2. In the shiniest, chromiest most glaring finish they offered - which was plain old standard chrome. Aren't you all relieved!
We are also doing that Victorian faucet in the master bath, but for they boys I chose this faucet.
Seemed a little simpler to operate for my little simpletons.