This is my lowered baking center.
Because I am such a baker.
So it is a very very good thing that I went to all the trouble of devoting about one fourth of my counter space to a lowered baking center.
This is my foot pointing out some spilled flour on the floor.
When the Country Doctor saw our lowered baking center...
He was less than thrilled.
And his less than thrilling response...
Sent me into a tail spin that lasted for weeks.
During which I doubted every single decision I had ever made in my life.
Because clearly - if I am stupid enough to put a lowered baking center in my house.
When I literally bake about two times a year.
I must be way too dumb to have ever done anything else right.
Then one day as I was sitting, in a sodden anguished slump, on the counter of my lowered baking center.
Because the lowered baking center happens to be the perfect height for sitting in a sodden slump...
I realized something...
I realized that the Country Doctor has made exactly one meal since the day I married him.
And therefore doesn't really get a VOTE on the lowered baking center...
DOES HE!!!...
And this is my goofball sister...
Demonstrating how to eat...
One of my freshly baked butterhorn rolls...
In the traditional Christmas butterhorn roll eating fashion.
And this is Jack sitting on the lowered baking center...
Which is how we use it...
Most of the time...