Sunday, May 18, 2008

Despite Show Cats, Shrubs Planted At Last

This is Cookie, one of our "Show Cats".  She is not really a "Show Cat" but she used to kind of look like one until she had to be shaved due to massive hair-ball-itis all over her under carriage.  

On Sunday the whole family sans Show Cats, loaded up in the truck and we went to the Garden Center where I work.  Our mission:  to pick up a load of shrubs to plant around the foundation of our house.  

Our boys were not thrilled about planting shrubs around the foundation of our house all afternoon with their parents, but once we got into the swing of things they settled into the task at hand.  

With only the occasional break to rest on a bag of mulch and pet Arod, the other show cat.  


We planted three Dwarf Korean Lilacs on the Southeast corner of the screen porch.  Then we planted 97,532 Many Happy Returns Day Lilys in front of the lilacs...  Okay, maybe not quite 97,532... but it seemed like it...

The cats continued to distract us with their fluffy cuteness.  

I would like to interrupt the fluffy cuteness to point out that the owner of these yellow polka dotted Converse tennis shoes is the person who dug almost every single hole for every single shrub that we planted. And since my four sons are not likely to sport a pair of yellow polka dotted Converse tennis shoes and neither is my husband, that leaves me or the Show Cats, and I am sorry to say, that it was me.  

Jack did all the interpretive shrub dancing.

Until we grew weary of Jack's interpretive shrub dancing, and forced him back to planting.

After a long afternoon planting, we had dinner on the screen porch.  

The Country Doctor traded his glass of wine for Jack's grape juice.

Jack rapidly discerned that a switch had been made...

At this point in his life, he still much prefers the unfermented grape.  Unfortunately, his parents have learned to rely heavily on the medicinal value of a large glass of wine after a day spent planting shrubs with four children and two crazy cats...  

Or maybe two large glasses of wine...

Or maybe...three...?


Nancy said...

Just 2 or 3 glasses? Why not the entire bottle?!

Gizmo said...

I have three teenagers (only two being boys), and would need more than 2-3 glasses after a full day like you had. ;^D

Anonymous said...

OMG, kids are as distracted while shrub planting as they are playing T-Ball...note to self...get babysitter if I plan to plant shrubs. Thanks for the advice.

4funboys said...

see...see... SSSEEEEEEE..

Yes I did...

I saw that picture of the boys all lined up doing yard work- and it gave me hope for my future!

I made it past having 4 carseats at one time... and just finished my last year of the half day Kinder schedule...

and I'm looking forward to 4 HARD WORKING BOYS LINED UP TO DO YARD WORK... MAYBE WASH the car ... ohh, the possabilies are endless!!!

oh yeah... then I'll have to feed all of them (and their friends too) - so there goes that idea.

It was was a nice thought to flash forward to... while it lasted!

Rhea said...

Interpretive shrub dance? snort

That's some good stuff. Hilarious. I LOVE your screen porch...and your yellow shoes.


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